Wednesday, July 13, 2011

100 Things that I dislike

Well, this is harder .. kay, let's see ..
  1. annoying noises
  2. annoying people
  3. being disturbed
  4. being bossed around
  5. make up
  6. heat
  7. sinetron (soap opera)
  8. bright pink things
  9. undone works
  10. plans that didn't work out
  11. 'girly' boys
  12. stubborn people
  13. weird, outrageous clothes and outfits
  14. weirdos
  15. blackberry
  16. messy places
  17. unsolved mysteries and cases
  18. high pitched voice
  19. screamers
  20. know-it-all kids
  21. being alone (sometimes)
  22. bugs
  23. durians
  24. snakes and all scary creatures
  25. being bored
  26. horror films
  27. cartoons (like mr. bean, upin n ipin, yin yang yo, super strikas)
  28. slow internet connection
  29. lame people
  30. being forced to do something
  31. pretending
  32. changes
  33. liars
  34. backstabbers
  35. people that gives up easily
  36. boring conversations
  37. crowded room
  38. growing up
  39. being sad
  40. being hated for unclear reasons
  41. 'lebai' people
  42. annoying boys
  43. greedy people
  44. animal cruelty
  45. global warming
  46. pollution
  47. smoke
  48. spinach
  49. being under pressure
  50. slippery road
  51. dogfights
  52. war
  53. politics
  54. sundanese
  55. lame jokes
  56. feeling uneasy or unsafe
  57. milk
  58. mean people
  59. stupid questions
  60. the truth (well, the truth hurts sometimes)
  61. girls who flirt a lot
  62. ruining somebody's day
  63. someone who ruins my day (haha)
  64. mini skirts or super short ones
  65. shopping
  66. feeling uncomfortable
  67. being screamed at
  68. being ill
  69. chicken
  70. waking up in the middle of a dream
  71. being followed (creepy!)
  72. imagination
  73. awful thoughts
  74. impossible works
  75. annoying boys
  76. figuring out who I wanna be
  77. bad mood
  78. waiting for a long time
  79. having nothing to do
  80. fights
  81. bullies
  82. dumb movies
  83. some Indonesian songs
  84. trash
  85. smelly shoes (ewww)
  86. sweat (or sweating)
  87. lazy people (but sometimes I can be lazy too)
  88. money-lovers
  89. death
  90. fear
  91. cockroaches
  92. spiders
  93. arguments
  94. my school (sometimes)
  95. anyone who eats with his mouth open when he chews (gross!)
  96. being forgotten
  97. dangdut
  98. divas
  99. somebody who talks too much
  100. bars

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