Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Pets #1 - Dogs

This is Monty ..
 I have told you about him before, haven't I?
He's a very sweet dog !
He's very loyal and he never ever bit me even if I put my finger in his mouth ..
He and his brother were given to me when i was a little girl ..
sadly, they fought a lot and Monty's brother, Brino, died in 2005 .. And then Monty died because of old age, (maybe four years ago, I'm not really sure) ..
Oh man , I miss them soooo much ..!
 So this is Spotty ..
He was just about 3 months old when he was given to me by my grandma .. He was so cute and fluffy and weight less than a kilo .. My mom went ' ooohhh .. :) ' when I showed Spotty to her..
We took him home and he has been living in my house since then..
Now he's not a puppy anymore, but I still love him so much.. ^^
(Actually, my brother is a bit scared of him because he is a very active dog and often jumps at people ..)

Pippy is my grandparents' dog .. I ♥♥♥ her !
whenever I visit my grandparents at Setiabudi, she barks madly even before my car stops in front of the gate, and then greets me when i jump out of the car .. I love giving Pippy a bath and walk her on the leash ..
Pippy is super good at soccer .. she always chases the ball and never lets anybody took it from her .. if somebody kicks the ball , she will quickly chase it again and guard it .. She is the friendliest puppy ever (at least for me) and she can learn a new trick quite fast ..

For the dogs and the puppies above ,,
I ♥ y'all ..!

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