Saturday, June 18, 2011

Just a Kiss - Lady Antebellum

Lyin' here with you so close to me
it's hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe
Caught up in this moment
Caught up in your smile

I've never opened up to anyone
So hard to hold back when I'm holding you in my arms
We don't need to rush this
Let's just take it slow

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
And I don't want to mess this thing up
I don't want to push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight

I know that if we give this a little time
It'll only bring us closer to the love we wanna find
it's never felt so real, no it's never felt so right

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
And I don't want to mess this thing up
I don't want to push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight

No I don't want to say goodnight
I know it's time to leave, but you'll be in my dreams

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
And I don't want to mess this thing up
I don't want to push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright, oh, let's do this right, with just a kiss goodnight
With a kiss goodnight
Kiss goodnight

Friday, June 17, 2011

Flower #3

Yang ini namanya bunga gak modal ..
( gaada bunga bagus jadi motret rumput liar ) hahaha
@ home - while testing my camera

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I got this doll in November 2006 .. My dad bought it at Singapore ..
I was just 9 years old when I first saw her at a shop and I asked my dad to buy it for me ..
I called it 'Skippy' ..
Skippy is so cute and I often use it as my photography or sketching model ..
When I first got her, Skippy would 'bark' if I press her tummy ..
Now she had already ran out of battery power and she can't bark anymore ..  :)

BTW, I just got a new pocket camera - yaay ! - and Skippy's my first (experiment) object ..

Yeaaah I'm a 9th grader now ..!

Aku dapet ranking 2 ..!
Ranking prtama tetep Adrian
(sekarang mah susah kalo mau ranking 1.. ><)
Yang dapet ranking 3 tu Isabella ..
ranking 4nya Arvin ..


@Bougenville , oma's b'day ..
Wanna know how I got those heart-shaped frames?

That's how.. :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Reuni SD

Hari ini aku ketemuan sama Jilly, Revana, Eva S, Dhika, Bertha, Jessica X, Vin-vin, Alyssa, Brigith, Janice, Elsa, Vero, Ivi ..
AKHIRNYAA, setelah 2 taun kaga ketemu ..!
Tadinya aku ga ikut, tapi gara-gara gaada acara n bosen di rumah terus, akhirnya aku minta mas Woto buat nganterin aku ..
Aku nyampe ke Angela jam 1 n dari sana berangkat sama Jilly, Vero, Revana, Jessica, Vin-vin, Ivi, Dhika, Bertha, sama Eva . Kita 'booking' satu angkot untuk nganterin kita sampe ke jalan Progo, terus kita jalan sedikit nyampe satu restoran yang namanya Hummingbird ..
Di sana, pertama-tama kita mesen minuman dan nunggu yang lainnya dateng sambil minum dan ngobrol-ngobrol ..
terus kita mesen makanan dan gak lama kemudian Brigith dan Alyssa dateng ..
Kita ngobrol-ngobrol, ketawa-ketawa, dan akhirnya nyuruh mas pramusajinya fotoin kita ..
Terus Janica n Elsa dateng n mereka juga mesen makanan ..
Kita selesai ngumpul kira-kira jam setengah4, terus ngitung bayar makan n minum ..
Rada ribet juga sih, berhubung harus ditambahin tax ..
Sesudah bayar, temen-temen pada pulang ..
Aku kan ga ada yang jemput, jadi aku ikut pulang sama Janice ..
Aku sama Janice nyampe Sukawarna Baru kira-kira jam 4, terus aku jalan pulang ke rumah ..
Asik juga ngobrol-ngobrol ma temen-temen setelah lama banget ga ketemu ..
looking 4ward for the next reunion ..!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Your Biggest Fan - Jonas Brothers

I never thought I would, did it
Never thought I could
I did it like that, did it like this
Did it like everybody knows
That we got something real, shorty
I know what I feel
So shout it like that
Shout it like this
Listen up, everybody knows
But you, here it goes

Cause I never really noticed
Took a while for me to see
Playing back the moments
Now I'm starting to believe
That you could be at the show and know everyone
But it's you who makes me sing
And I know where we are and I know who I am
Baby, I'm your biggest fan, oh

Every time you smile for me
Takes me a while to bring myself back
Cause you're all that
And I just had to let you know
I'm screaming out in the crowd for you
I can't be too loud but I don't care
I let 'em all stare
I just want everyone to know
The truth, it's only you

I never really noticed
Took a while for me to see
Playing back the moments
Now I'm starting to believe
That you could be at the show and know everyone
But it's you who makes me sing
And I know where we are and I know who I am
Baby, I'm your biggest fan

You showed up and you looked so classy
Made me think twice 'bout the way I was acting
You were real from the start of it all
Like a dream came to life, now I'm left in all
Stars shine but your light is the brightest
Love flies but your love is the highest
You're so sweet that it drives me crazy
A summer like no other, you're my L.A. baby

I never really noticed
Took a while for me to see
Playing back the moments
Now I'm starting to believe
That you could be at the show and know everyone
But it's you who makes me sing
And I know where we are and I know who I am
Baby, I'm your biggest fan, oh
Baby, I'm your biggest fan, oh

That you could be at the show and know everyone
But it's you who makes me sing
And I know where we are and I know who I am
Baby, I'm your biggest fan

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Christmas 2010

Oma, Opa, and their grandsons and granddaughter at Oma and Opa's house..
from left to right : Oma, Opa, Taka, Me, Kayne, Gio, Toby, Rico ..
yeah, that's right ..
I'm the only granddaughter Oma and Opa have ..
actually, there's one more boy , Jake .. 
He was just one year old and he was sleeping when this picture was taken ..
Hi .. ^^
I have been typing in English more often recently , but actually I'm not so good in speaking / writing in English ..
maybe you have noticed it , so sorry if my posts (that were written in English) are a bit 'amburadul' because I'm a bit struggling to find the right words and tenses ..
I'm still learning English at junior high school and hopefully I'll get better and better as I learn new words and tenses from my teachers ..

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Castle - The Season Finale

Montgomery was killed and Beckett was shot ,,
She can't be dead ..!
O . M . G ..!

My Pets #1 - Dogs

This is Monty ..
 I have told you about him before, haven't I?
He's a very sweet dog !
He's very loyal and he never ever bit me even if I put my finger in his mouth ..
He and his brother were given to me when i was a little girl ..
sadly, they fought a lot and Monty's brother, Brino, died in 2005 .. And then Monty died because of old age, (maybe four years ago, I'm not really sure) ..
Oh man , I miss them soooo much ..!
 So this is Spotty ..
He was just about 3 months old when he was given to me by my grandma .. He was so cute and fluffy and weight less than a kilo .. My mom went ' ooohhh .. :) ' when I showed Spotty to her..
We took him home and he has been living in my house since then..
Now he's not a puppy anymore, but I still love him so much.. ^^
(Actually, my brother is a bit scared of him because he is a very active dog and often jumps at people ..)

Pippy is my grandparents' dog .. I ♥♥♥ her !
whenever I visit my grandparents at Setiabudi, she barks madly even before my car stops in front of the gate, and then greets me when i jump out of the car .. I love giving Pippy a bath and walk her on the leash ..
Pippy is super good at soccer .. she always chases the ball and never lets anybody took it from her .. if somebody kicks the ball , she will quickly chase it again and guard it .. She is the friendliest puppy ever (at least for me) and she can learn a new trick quite fast ..

For the dogs and the puppies above ,,
I ♥ y'all ..!

Jalan - jalan Senin

Senin, 6 Juni 2011 ..
AKHIRNYA UKK selesai juga !
Fiuhhh ..
Waktunya refreshing .. !
Aku, Isabella, Kristi, Rachel, Rima, Vania, Helsa, Tasia jalan-jalan ke Ciwalk..
jam 11.30an kita berangkat dari Trimulia naek angkot ..
Aku, Isabell, Rachel, Rima, Kristi berangkat langsung dari TM ,, Helsa, Vania, Tasia ke rumah Helsa dulu ..
Jadilah kita ber5 berpanas-panas di angkot .. mana angkotnya ngetem dulu lagi !
BTW, di jalan ada sesuatu yg lucu loo.. kita ngeliat ada orang naek motor ga pake helm, trz nyetir motornya sambil melet-melet gitu..
Jadi kita ngetawain deh..
Kita sampe di Ciwalk kira-kira jam 12 lebih, terus kita ketemuan di depan BMK..
Kan Kristi kelas 9nya udah ga di TM lagi, jadi kita ditraktir makan sama dia.. (yippie ..!)
Kita makan di Wendys .. Waduuh, tu mah bener-bener bikin perut mau meledak saking penuhnya ..!
Terus kita keliling-keliling .. (itung-itung nurunin makanan)
Kita ke Bunga, Stoberi, Heartwarmer ..
Terus temen-temen pada beli bando di Stoberi ..
Aku sih udah punya, jadi ga beli ..
Udah gitu kita foto-foto di studionya papyrus.. seru abis ..! wkwkwk
tujuan aslinya sih buat kenang-kenangan untuk Kristi ..
disana kita ketawa-ketawa ampe sakit perut d ..
terus kita jalan-jalan lagi ..
Aku, Rima, Isabell jalan-jalan di skywalk, yang laennya maen di GM ..
Terus ga berapa lama lagi kita pulang, naek angkot ..
Kita nyampe di Trimulia kira-kira setengah5an n pulang sendiri-sendiri ..

Wow,, seru deh..
Thanks buat Kristi (yang udah nraktir^^) , Rachel, Isabell, Rima, Vania, Helsa, Tasia ..
It was such a great day ..!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Aku suka nonton parenthood di Star Movies . .
Acaranya bagus deh . .
Jauhhhh lebih mutu daripada sinetron Indonesia . . (yaikks, aku paling sebel ama yang namanya sinetron . . Apa bagusnya sihh???)

Jonas LA

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hufft ..

Oh God ,, school is too stressing! Why does it have to be so boring? I think my brain is already full of useless stuffs ..
I like all the subjects except physics, sundanese, and Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan.
I don't want to be a government anyway , so why bother studying about it?
I like studying English or other languages much better than those three subjects above ..
Well ,, but I have to .. *sigh* so miserable ..


Castle tu acara TV favorit aku.. Tokoh utamanya namanya Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) dan detective Kate Beckett (Stana Katic)..
Ni acara seru banget.. tentang murder investigation gitu..
Tiap hari aku nonton ini..
Aku paling suka si Kate, detektif n polisi yang suka nyelidikin kasus pembunuhan.. Dia tuh pinter, keren, berani, cantik lagi..!

Cast Members



More Taylor Swift Pictures

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Inka & Mama - Waiting 4 the Shuttle Bus

Aku sama mama di Singapore lagi nunggu shuttle bus.. temboknya keren yaa? kaya di photo studio..
padahal ni di apartemennya Ka Ani..

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Guess what my favorite animal is...

yes, dogs!!
cute, aren't they?

sejak aku sekitar umur 4 taun, aku selalu punya peliharaan dogi..
pertamanya aku dikasih 2 dogi sosis (daschund) namanya Monty sama Brino,, tapi sekarang udah mati (karena faktor usia)..
padahal lucu-lucu loo..
tar kalo ada fotonya aku upload..
dogi aku yang sekarang namanya Spotty.. dia, well, rada heboh gitu dehh..
tapi kalo ada makanan jadi nurut banget.. kacau yaa..? hahahha..
aku melihara Spotty dari waktu dia umur 3 bulanan kira-kira.. persisnya sih ga terlalu inget.. tapi sekarang dia udah sekitar umur 4..
ntar kalo ada fotonya juga aku uploadin deh..
sabar aja laa..

Universal Studio Singapore

Tempat terpencil.. ga tau nih dimana, sepi banget.. padahal bagus sii..

Baby Inkasaurus.. hhehe ^^

Candylicious.. yum!

Revenge of the mummy!

At Sci-fi City..

Shrek's castle.. you can watch a 4D movie here..

This place is GREAT! I went there with Ka Lisa (she took all these pictures)..
I had so much fun altough I didn't ride the Battlestar Galactica.. (waaayy to scary..!)
there's so much you can do..! Wow, what a cool place.. I'd like to go there again someday.. (absolutely!)